Marketing to the Chinese Audience – White-paper

The Chinese market remains an enigma, despite it’s being open to the world for several years already. The challenge of marketing to the Chinese audience is one that toppled giant firms like Home Depot, eBay and even Google. Even though those firms failed, the problems they faced are not insurmountable. This is especially true as China enters the digital age.

This report draws upon Richway Tech’s extensive knowledge of the Chinese market and includes findings from authorities such as ClickZ, Nielson, and KPMG. The goal of this whitepaper is to educate and inspire businesses on what’s possible when marketing to China, specifically on the topic of Search Engine Marketing through Chinese search engine Baidu.

Key topics discussed:

  • Why companies struggle in the Chinese market
  • Why SEM is the best way to market products in China
  • An exploration of the Chinese demand for foreign products
  • In-depth analysis of what Baidu search can and cannot do

Click here to download the white paper

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